
Building Reputation

The reputation of a primary care service among the LGBTIQA+ community is of utmost importance. Genuine inclusivity plays a key role in building trust and creating a safe space for support. This reputation not only establishes the primary care service as a trusted resource but also facilitates easier access to appropriate and inclusive support for LGBTIQA+ individuals experiencing IPV.

One of the significant advantages of being known as LGBTIQA+ inclusive is that it saves time and reduces stress for individuals seeking help during IPV incidents. LGBTIQA+ individuals experiencing IPV may already be dealing with various challenges related to their identity, and knowing they can turn to a primary care service with a proven track record of inclusivity provides them with a sense of safety and support from the outset.

Word-of-mouth matters significantly within the LGBTIQA+ community for building a positive reputation. LGBTIQA+ individuals often rely on recommendations from their peers to find primary care services they can trust. Positive word of mouth ease fears and anxieties for first-time seekers, especially for those in crisis situations.

Active & Respectful Engagement with the LGBTIQA+ Community:

To establish and maintain a strong positive reputation, services must actively and respectfully engage with the LGBTIQA+ community continuously.

Engaging with the LGBTIQA+ community is an effective way to demonstrate active allyship and commitment to their well-being. Primary care service provision should be influenced by learning from and engaging with the LGBTIQA+ community.

One way to achieve this is by participating in LGBTIQA+ spaces and events. Attending community gatherings, workshops, and pride events not only allows primary care providers to connect directly with potential clients but also demonstrates their commitment to supporting the community.

Displaying service information and resources in these spaces further helps build trust and assurance among the LGBTIQA+ community. It shows that the service is making a genuine effort to reach out and provide accessible support for those who may need it.

Establishing Referral Networks

In addition to building their own capacity, organisations providing support for LGBTIQA+ individuals experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) should actively foster strong referral networks and establish partnerships with LGBTIQA+ specific or inclusive primary care services.

Ensuring Appropriate Support
Ensuring Appropriate Support

By creating well-defined referral networks, primary care providers can ensure that LGBTIQA+ individuals experiencing IPV are connected with organisations that have expertise in addressing the unique challenges and needs of this community. These specialised services may be better equipped to provide culturally competent and tailored support to clients, promoting a more inclusive and affirming environment.

Recognising Limits & Seeking Expertise
Recognising Limits & Seeking Expertise

It is important for primary care providers to recognise their limits, both in terms of skills and available time, particularly when dealing with issues specific to the LGBTIQA+ community. Acknowledging these limitations, they should actively seek partnerships with specialised services to ensure that clients receive comprehensive and effective support.